After Hours

After Hours

Hey, this is the personal side of the website where I'll post about some of my hobbies. If you're interested in my professional life and work feel free to check it out here.

If this is where you wanted to be, welcome!

I like to think of myself as a jack of all trades, meaning that I can do anything and everything, just badly. This means I like to pick up various hobbies and activies that can help keep me entertained. The main consistent hobbies that I'm decent at will probably have their own section, such as art, food, etc. If I decide to dabble in anything else and do anything interesting I'll likely post in under Misc or make a blog post about it.

Just for laughs I decided to write out a few things that I'm interested in, and they are as follows. Main trend is that I just like to make things. Note that this doesn't mean I'm good at them or even do them consistently. I just think they're neat.

  1. Cooking & Baking
  2. Weightlifting
  3. Skateboarding & Longboarding
  4. Drawing & Painting
  5. Woodworking
  6. Anime & Manga
  7. Fishing
  8. Rock Climbing
  9. Hiking
  10. Music
  11. Magic Tricks
  12. Knitting & Crocheting
  13. Blacksmithing
  14. Board Games